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香港代写paper:The Analysis of the Theories of Work代写

浏览: 日期:2020-06-10

The Analysis of the Theories of Work
As work was the essential part of the society and indispensable portion of people’s lives, the theories of work should be analyzed. The essay firstly analyzed certain significant theories of work respectively. The classical theory of the importance of work in modern industrial societies, the theory of work related to salvation from Weber, the theory of work was meaningful for self expression, “The problem of work” from Peter Berger and the end of work from Ulrich Beck will be detailedly analyzed from various perspectives respectively. In this part, not only will the characteristics of each theory be analyzed, but also the related factors of them will also be analyzed. Moreover, the essay will analyze the links of these theories and the broader theory of each. In this part, the essay will also discover the potential relationships of them as well as the reasons of it. Furthermore, the developments of each theory will be illustrated. To clearly state this topic, the essay will also analyze the external and internal factors of them. Lastly, the essay will provide analysis of the law of the variation of the work in sociological theories as well as the prosperity of it.
Analysis of the theories
Australia:The Analysis of the Theories of Work代写
The classical sociological theory that established in the initial modern society claimed that work played an indispensable and significant role in the development of the modern industrial society (Rifkin 2012). As was widely known, the development of the modern industrial society was attributed to several basic factors that formed the social productivity. There were work, material and tool for labor. Especially, work was the radical factor of it. On one hand, the work could create private wealth, which could directly stimulate the consumption of the society and develop the modern industrial society. As indicated by the famous economist Adam Smith, the work in modern industrial society enabled people to improve their consumption power, which resulted in the enhancement of marketing desire and improved the development of the modern industrial society. On the other hand, work also made decisive contributions to the modern industrial society. Not only did work facilitate the progress of efficiency with advanced machine, but also work directly produced products as well as creating the modern industrial society. In general, the classical and contemporary sociological theory considered that work was an essential and vital part of the modern industrial society and it was also considered as the sole value of work (Howard 2002).
Then, when it comes to the sociological theory from Weber, it has tight relationship with the salvation. According to the sociological theory system of Weber, the ethical thought of the Protestants has profound and far-reaching influences on the rapid development of capitalism. It was obvious that Weber attached the development of capitalism to the religious belief. Furthermore, Weber considered that the rational secular activities such as the process of pursuit of commercial profits were the demonstration of the religious spirit of the Protestantism. As a direct consequence, the commercial activities were endowed with moral connotation. Spontaneously, the pursuit for profits and hark working was defined as a sacred ceremony of religion under the theoretical system of Weber. To go further, Weber utilized certain core principles of the Protestantism to encourage people to make painstaking and unremitting efforts to implement their rational projects of economical profits selflessly. Not only did it relate to the rise of emerging bourgeoisie, which required endless of work of the laborers, but also it served as a motivation to the work of people. Therefore, in the sociological theory that related to religious spirit of Weber, it emphasized on clarifying an argument that hard work was a means of salvation. From one aspect, Weber claimed that the hard work was the practice of the authentic will of god for the reason that it manifested the real spirit of the human that endowed by the god. Additionally, hard work should be considered as a demonstration of human nature. From the other aspect, Weber also declared that hard work was also a vital approach for the creatures to salvage their spirits as well as contributing their efforts to the god. It was once believed that work, especially hard work could serve as salvation for people by practicing personally and sublimating their spirits in this the process of hard work (Louis 2011).
What’ more, Marx, the creator of socialistic sociological theory considered firmly that the work has a potential capacity for meaningful self expression in the 19th century. Not only could work assist people to realize their values under a relatively fair society, but also the improvement of ideology with sufficient individual formation. As indicated by the surplus value theory from Marx, obviously, work made enough contributions to assisting people to express their valuable ideas and demonstrate their physical values. It was through this way that work provided chances for people to express their meaningful self concepts. Furthermore, work also could be seemed as motivation for people to improve their inner values and then it made reaction to the society. Clearly, this theory should be attributed to the inner development internally and historical factors externally. The labor campaign and corresponding ideological trend inspired Marx to discover the nature of work (Craib, 1997). Consequently, he realized the value of work that it contributed to the meaningful self expression.
Then, in the 1970S, the sociological theory named “The problem of work” was put forward by the remarkable Peter Berger. Instead of thinking work was meaningful and meritorious; Peter Berger claimed that work was no longer meaningful (Evans 2005). There were certain factors that resulted in the produce of this theory. To begin with, with the development of automation and mechanization, the manual work became no longer essential and meaningful. As the fact that the automation and mechanization were capable to replace the traditional work with higher efficiency, the work became worthless and meaningless. What’ more, from the perspective of spirit level, the inner desire for satisfaction of work became weakened gradually. In the modern society, the pursuit of value varied and the lives of people became vacuous and meaningless. Therefore, Peter Berger declared that there were certain problems of work under the current background of the modern society (Stevenson 2011). First of all, the traditional way of work was hard to adapt to the modern society. Undoubtedly, work was failed to conform to the desire of efficiency of the modern industrial society. Then, work also went against to the new development of human nature for the reason that it restricted the freedom and innovation of human nature. As a statement that clarified by Peter Berger indicated, “There were certain problems that existed in work. Not only was they resulted from the current modernized society, but also it mat caused the fact that work became more and more meaningless”, the work demonstrated the unworthiness of existence (Frisby, 2002). In general, the theory from Peter Berger indicated the certain potential problems of work from different sides and concluded an argument that work became not meaningful any longer.
Last but not least, in the recent time, based on the theories from previous sociologists, Ulrich Beck raised a theory that pointed out the end of work with certain inferences. Obviously, this theory made intense impacts on the society as well as the academic circles. Differed from the modernism or postmodernism, Ulrich Beck proclaimed the end of work with the establishment of risk society theory. Primarily, it stemmed from the uncertainty of the rapid development of science and technology. In a long time, it was widely believed that pursuit of rational and science was the ultimate goal of work. In the mean time, based on the concept of modernized value, work was also considered as a demonstrated of the ideology of modernized society. Moreover, the theory of comprehensive ecological modernization society from Professor Huber also contributed to the theory of the end of work from Ulrich Beck as a fundamental theory. According to the theory of comprehensive ecological modernization society, previously, the development of the society may bring the pollution to the society and degradation of ecology. However, what the modern society or the postmodern society desired was a developmental mode of wisdom technology. Then, the intensive development that based on work will be replaced by the super industrialism without any work (James 2004). As a result, Ulrich Beck put forward an argument of the end of work. To prove his declaration, Ulrich Beck utilized two main points to illustrate it. On one hand, it should be attributed to the variation of mode of the society. Instead of the labor-intensive mode, the birth of intelligent mode means the end of work for the reason that the work would become windy and unvalued thoroughly. On the other hand, the flourishing of the advocate of real value of human aroused the second enlightenment. The second enlightenment roused the question of existence and rational in the mind of people. Not only did it assist people to figure out the authentic value of them, calling for the self waking awareness, but also it demonstrated the end of work by stating the nihility of it with certain instances and theories. Generally, Ulrich Beck proclaimed the end of work from its inner developmental law and the trend of the modernized society (Williams, 1986).
The links of the above accounts
As indicated respectively above, the accounts of work showed the characteristics of corresponding historical background. However, there were certain links of them (Sullivan 2003).
From the perspective of macroscopic, there were two significant links of them. There were the relationship of work and ontology and the diminishing variations of the value of work. From one side, the close relationship of work and ontology was a main issue of the topic. Naturally, the work was the realization of the value of ontology while the ontology was the sole subject of working (Gerth 2010). As shown by the above accounts, the classical sociological theory emphasized on the external environment for the ontology, which showed the relationship of ontology and work from the side way. The salvation from Weber claimed the connection of people and the will of god that concerned with religious spirit. Later, the social ideology from Marx stated that work served as a motivation to the inner expression of the laborers, which researched on work from the aspect of the self ascension. At last, in the modern times, certain theories of work aimed at explaining the problem and ending of work, such as Peter Berger and Ulrich Beck. With the improvement of humanity, work became valueless and windy (Taylor 2012). Consequently, those theories embraced the relationship of work and human. Undoubtedly, the variations related to the corresponding historical backgrounds impacted strongly on the accounts. However, the relationship of human and work was the everlasting issue of this topic. Not only did work guaranteed the existence and enhanced the development of human, but also it could be considered as a confirmation of the development of humanity society.
From the perspective of detailed links, there were certain mutual relationships of those accounts of work. The classical sociology that emphasized on the social significance of work served as a firm foundation of later accounts of work. Inherited from this theory, the theory from Weber attached importance to the practical function of work. What’ more, the end of work from Ulrich Beck also inherited certain essences of the problem of work” from Peter Berger. Based on the theory of the problem of work, Peter Berger developed it to the end of work with the new situation of new era. In general, there were certain links of those accounts from both the macroscopic and microscopic.
Furthermore, there was certain development of the later accounts. Here were two remarkable instances. First of all, the theory from Marx developed the theory of Weber. Dislike the theory from Weber that stressed on the religious salvation of work, Marx expanded it to the comprehensive promotion of the inner world of human and provided a more sufficient reason for working. Then, the end of work from Ulrich Beck also developed certain detailed conclusions of the problem of work” from Peter Berger. As indicated by Ulrich Beck, differed from the previous time of Peter Berger, the current society and inner development of human declared the real end of work with the modern social reproduce system actually. Obviously, although inherited the general direction of research of Peter Berger, Ulrich Beck broadened its range and developed it into the final assumption (Watt 2003).
Australia:The Analysis of the Theories of Work代写
To figure out the actual explanation of work and discover the nature of social law, the essay analyzed it with the analysis of certain famous accounts of work. By analyzing the accounts representatively and discussing the relationships of each accounts, the essay discovered the potential mutual law of it. On one side, the variations of the accounts of work related to the corresponding social background and the level of concrete social development. From the time of capitalism germination time to the postmodern time, the nature and authentic value of work has changed a lot, which also affected the social awareness strongly and profoundly. On the other side, the accounts of work should be also partly attributed to the ideology and social positions of the sociologists. From the classical theory to the account of the end of work, all of them were resulted from the cultural background and concepts of the author, which decided the essential aim of the theories radically.
Craib, I. 1997, Classical social theory; An introduction to the Thought of Marx, Weber, Durkheim and simmel, Oxford university press, oxford.
Evans, R 2005, the development of work, Comprehensive culture press, Vienna.
Frisby, D 2002, Georg simmel, reviedn, Routledge, London.
Howard, E 2002, View of work, Wakefield Press, Kent Town.
Gerth, C 2010, ‘Science as a vocation’, Social science journal, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 13-15.
James, Q 2004, Weber and religious sociology, New view press, New York.
Louis, W 2011, ‘The Legacy of Mae Weber’, Society journal, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 23-32.
Sullivan, B 2003, The research of Marx, National classics publisher, Berlin.
Rifkin, J 2012. ‘The end of work’, Description of society, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 120-213.
Stevenson, W 2011, ‘Working alone’, What is work, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 34-45.
Taylor, E 2012, ‘Work hard’, Management and individuals, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 34-41.   
Watt, Y 2003, Socialists and their theories, Cultural and social press, Madrid
Williams, S.J 1986, ‘Appraising Goffman’, British Journal of sociology, vol.37 no.3, pp.348-369.
 Australia:The Analysis of the Theories of Work代写